THE OTHER DIMENSION. Antuan and the Alchemy of Creativity.

“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious – the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and science.”
– Albert Einstein –

Art has been clustered for more than a century between the failed utopias of modernism and the dead-end of the postmodernist deconstructive approach. By the strategy of the art market only as a commodity. And the museum's sacred vision of art as out of this world objects isolated from everyday life, in exclusion. 

As an artist, Antuan claims a new approach to mindfulness around art’s function and reason. He is likewise a genuinely sensible artist concerned over the humanizing possibilities of discovery through the art process and its ways of building an enlightened human history and semblance. Also, within his inclusive territories of art, science, and life-changing acts, he provides ways of creating a glow of clarity in the universe we live in.

The Other Dimension is the latest stage of Antuan’s artistic development. It shows an artist who considers the universe, the infinite, and the eternal from a range of different scientific, philosophical, and cultural positions. These positions are integrated into one proposal while engaging the viewer in the enigma and awe of universal concepts.

Antuan envisions a world where creative minds, scientists, true leaders, and spiritual practitioners gather around art to learn and share to create a better world. Art is an expression of the potential wholeness of human beings. Harmonizing mind intelligence, the sensitivity to the feelings, and the wisdom of nature and its cosmic law. Without denying or promoting the underlying diverse human cultural foundations.

The Other Dimension holds as an iconic date, the year of 2016. In which the totality of the Museum of Contemporary Art –Miami became a three-level visual narrative—experience, introspection, and luminosity, through the works of Antuan. The elements of social commentary, environmental concerns, sacred geometry, vibration, the human grid, and universal human codes, emerged as parts of Antuan’s artistic journey led by his cosmology vision of life, the universe, nature, and social concerns.

The Other Dimension shows an artist who considers the universe, the infinite, and the eternal from a range of different scientific, philosophical, and cultural positions. In fact, these positions are integrated into one proposal while engaging the viewer in the enigma and awe of universal concepts. 

So, his work becomes a new consciousness as an approach related to the constant human concern for universal communication. Through forms, symbols, and codes, the methodologies of artistic production are connected in harmony with the tactics of scientific abstraction, human wellbeing, and social thinking, which are envisioned as the other dimensions of art.

Antuan’s conceptual framework holds visionary approaches, which are not necessarily interpreted by the art trends of our time. He is an integrator of human experiences and a visual researcher of extensive experimentation. With profound humanism, he envisions his art as contributing to a new conception of our being in a complex world. 

For him, the work of art holds no utopias but ideas made real and imposed on the world through the temporary harmony of art. He understands communication as formally conscious, culturally inclusive, dialogical, critical, theoretically firm, and socially engaged, yet one that is open, innovative, and tolerant of emerging interaction. In his career of more than 30 years, his latest development is the Other Dimension body of work.

He is revealing mysteries of the hidden world through a journey and immersion in the universe.
By the routes of the comprehension of cosmology, ontology, and metaphysics, as an awareness manifested in art.

Jorge Luis Gutierrez
Researcher and Curator of Antuan’s The Other Dimension.