/ by Antuan Rodriguez


The Nous City

Nous City is an innovative, evolved community. The community utilizes geometric patterns that position residential and commercial spaces as large discs from a bird' s-eye view. These geometric patterns represent a binary code of different information that can be decoded with a key tablet named the Human Universal Code. Renowned contemporary artist Antuan developed these codes of universal communication. He architecturally designed these binary codes to transmit a message to Earth and Space.

This evolved community has been created for like-minded people to align themselves with the messages/coding of the disc in order to promote a harmonious existence thereby elevating life with conscious living.


This proposal entails the ability for architecture firms and specialized institutes to collaborate  in a sustainable architecture project. The artist who has proposed this project, has a vision of what he calls the “The Nous City.” This city can be a place where an integration of all innovation and designs being created by the participating architects, engineers, and developers have the freedom to realize and incorporate their constructions in a dynamic environment. Conserving the circular geometry and communication pattern of the “The Nous City,” the participants will be  identified with their humanistic and ecological nature that will enrich and amplify the message implicit in the “The Nous City,” destined to create  a global conscience.


The Nous City is the foundation of a new architecture, inspired by the Binary Code System created by Antuan. This project was created to make a work of art from a city itself. His message, written with the buildings that are to be built in it, is a wake-up call from a new Global Consciousness. It is the point of origin of a Human Network from which to ascend forward to a higher dimension of existence.


 Developing this ecological project will connect people and entrepreneurs who live in a similar frequency, thereby unifying a creative, holistic, evolutionary, and environmentally integrated community. This will foster a collective consciousness for better living.


It is also possible to take two or more  of the structures to make it into one property in order to make the areas more habitable.


By its integrative and convening nature, The Nous City Project implies its shared creation with studies and architectural firms identified with the foundations and intention that give it a basis, according to the geographical, cultural and social context of each one, starting from the same standard conceptual matrix of sustainability and respect for the environment. The cities have to form an integrating network of experiences that, according to the mechanism and form of instrumentation that is timely defined, will allow the owner of a residential, commercial, or professional property of The Nous City, to exchange their residence or activity with another owner for the period they agree.

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The city would have an initiative to be independently efficient by producing low emissions and gathering its power through solar panels installed on every roof. The idea is to lower the overall carbon footprint while still living in luxury. This approach would also be supplemented by growing vegetation in the local area to improve air quality and water features to her with relaxation.

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The green space surrounding the residential and commercial structures is the community’s nurturing and protective border. The green space will be a forested preserve area that
puts emphasis on more oxygen for the community and acts as a shield from the inhabitants’ motor vehicles, which will be parked in the outer area of the forest preserve. The vegetation will be dressed for recreational and aesthetic purposes. There will be cart paths in the forest preserve that would lead the community inhabitants to their residential or commercial spaces.


This is the basic concept for the community as designed by the artist.However this space can be reorganized to fit the needs of the community and the environment.

This blue circle represents a ring of water that represents the vision for the protection
of these communities from rising temperatures due to climate change.

In addition to protecting the cities from possible fires, this circle of water is a great channel for recycling the waters and irrigating the ring of forests and crops that also surround the community or city, thus creating a vegetable curtain to reduce sounds and pollution from the environment.

The earth that will be removed to create the ring of protective water can be recycled to raise the levels of the community and in this way protect them from future floods. All levels of water movement will be directed from the center of the square to the circular water channel. In this way we will also be recycling the waters in the blue ring for the use of
the community.


 By having multifunctional spaces next to one another gives the inhabitants the ability to experience a community that is constantly sharing ideas and enriching the lives of the community through this new living dynamic.


The spaces between homes are designed to promote unity, not division among the people. They are made to make you feel more at home and safe with your neighbors and neighborhood, as well as the possibility of living different experiences every day.


Live creatively, in a holistic style, enjoying authentic human connections in a city reflecting a message in binary code with an ecologically strong human connection. A discovery of new experiences interconnected with the future of the planet.


The center of the design is called the Plaza, and it includes structures that represent the five elements of earth, water, air, fire, and aether. These elements are displayed in the Plaza of the disc, with aether being the exact center of the community.  This center is the common area where the inhabitants will partake in activities that reflect the evolutionary lifestyle.


The residential and commercial structures located in the habitable spaces can be developed using three different alternatives. The first alternative is that the first floor of the structure can be a studio or office/commercial space, and the second floor is residential space. The second option is that both floors are for residential living. The third is that both floors are commercially used.


The city structure is inspired by the designs of ancient civilizations that are still used today. This center is the common area where the inhabitants will partake in activities that reflect the evolutionary lifestyle.


The project has global scale and involves the construction of a The Nous City on every continent, except America, including one in North America and one in South America. Beyond the characteristics of each of them, determined by their location, spaces dedicated to the development of community experiences in health, entertainment, meditation, nutrition, physical activities, yoga, healing therapies, and health tourism are contemplated.
